We ship to the address verified on your PayPal account. You must let us know of any changes or if this address is not correct. PayPal will not notify us of an address change. Even if you change your address in PayPal, it will remain the same on your subscription since it uses the same information as when you subscribed. You will receive an email with shipping information about a week before Sub Bags mail to allow time for addresses to be checked and updated if needed. Please be sure to contact us as soon as possible by messaging our Business Page or by email (rockymountaindippowder@gmail.com) with address or email changes. We are not able to do anything about bags sent to old addresses if you don’t make us aware of the change before they ship.
If you are already a subscription bag member, you do not need to sign up again each month since it will automatically renew. Renewal occurs on your sign up date very early in the morning so if you are looking to cancel, make sure to do so before your renewal date. If you cancel after the recurring payment is charged that month, you are canceling for the following month. (Ex: Sign up on April 4th - renewal is on May 4th at 4am. Cancel on May 4th any time after 4am or any of the following days that month (5/5-6/3) you are canceling for June’s payment not May since it has already processed. You will still receive the bag at the end of May (June’s Bag) but will not be billed on June 4th for July’s Bag. Please feel free to contact us if you need assistance canceling.